
When we want to adjust voltage and current on circuit  to get the desired value , change condition to test  the  circuit.   We  have  to  use  potentiometer  as  it  can vary  resistance.    Refer to ohm's law  V = IR .  If  we change  resistance  then the value of  V and I change  too.  The  potentiometer has  3 terminals  and   its  symbol  shown below.  How  to  wire  potentiometer ,   it we will  be  explained    below.

                                 Potentiometer   has  3  terminals

Potentiometer's   Symbol

On   potentiometer's    body  , there   is   printed  resistance value  such as  B1K    B2K   B10K marking.  When  measuring  it  by multimeter  , connect test lead to  terminal number 1 and terminal number2 ,  meter show   the measured  value   as  it's   marking or the closest value.
see this photo for example.

Potentiometer  B1K marking   = 1K ohm resistance , measured value  as  1.141 K ohm
This good  potentiometer.

Potentiometer B2K marking  = 2K ohm resistance , measured value as  2.090 K ohm
This good  potentiometer.

Potentiometer B10K marking  = 10K ohm resistance , measured value as  10.28 K ohm
This good  potentiometer.

When we rotate the knob clockwise and counter-clockwise  , the resistance value should be vary from 0 ohm increase  to high resistance and  from high resistance decrease  to   0 ohm.   There  are   4  type to connect or wire potentiometer  which its resistance will  vary  when adjusting the knob.

1. Wire terminal 1  and  2  , left  the terminal  3  open circuit.  Shown on  circuit  number 1  below.
2. Wire terminal 2  and  3  , left  the terminal  1  open circuit.  Shown  on  circuit  number 2
3. Connect  or shorted terminal  1 and 2  together , so it will be as terminal 12 then  wire  terminal 12 and   terminal 3 to circuit. 
4.  Connect  or shorted terminal  2 and 3  together , so it will be  as  terminal  23  then wire  terminal 23  and  terminal 1   to  circuit.

Circuit  number 1.  wire   terminal 1 and 2   , left  terminal 3 open

Circuit  number 2  , wire  terminal 2  and 3    , left  terminal 1 open


Connect  or  shorted terminal  1 and 2  together  , be as  terminal 12 , 
then  wire  terminal 12  and  terminal 3 to circuit.

Connect or shorted terminal  2 and 3  together ,  be as terminal 23 , 
 then wire  terminal  23  and  terminal 1 to circuit.

