Multimeter test capacitor and how to test electronic components


CAPACITOR   TESTING.    This article  will  explain  both  capacitor testing  using  digital multimeter and  analog mulimeter.

Step  to  test  capacitor  with  digital  multimeter

1. Remove power  from circuit  by switching equipment   off  / unplug.  the capacitor under test must no voltage  present.
2. Discharge capacitor before testing , failture to do this will case damage to meter and electric shock.
Researching  how to discharge capacitor is essential too.
3. Don't touch metal tip of  test  leads  during testing.
4.  Insert black test lead to COM- jack  and  red test lead  to  VΩ  jack.
5.  Turn rotary switch  to  capacitor  range / capacitor test function.  The display will  present  capacitor symbol.
6. Connect   the   test  lead    to  capacitor   under test terminals.
7. The  display will   present   some   capacitor   value.
Good capacitor will show value as printed on its body ( the closest value is still good capacitor ).
Bad capacitor ( degrade ) show capacitance value much lower from it  original value.
Bad capacitor ( open ) will not show any  capacitance value.
Bad capacitor ( short ) will not show any  capacitance value or  show " OL"

Test  multimeter  HOW   TO   TEST    CAPACITOR

Step to test capacitor with  Analog  multimeter.
1. Remove power from circuit by switching equipment   off  / unplug.    The capacitor under test must no voltage   present.
2. Discharge capacitor before testing , failure to do this will cause damage to meter and electric shock.
3. Don't touch metal tip  of  test leads  during testing.
4.  Insert black test lead to COM- jack  and  red test lead to  P +  jack.
5.  Turn rotary switch to  resistance   range / resistance  test  Function.
Capacitance value around  10uF  use   Rx1K range.
Capacitance value around  47uF  use   Rx100 range.
Capacitor value around  470uF - 2200uF use  Rx10  range.
Capacitor value around  2200uF up  use  Rx1  range.
6. Test  2  time , connect test leads   to  capacitor terminals  and  switch  test leads and  do  testing  again.   The meter will  present  result as below.
Good capacitor  , the pointer will move forwarding   to 0  ohm side  then  move  backward  to ∞ .
Bad capacitor (open)  , the pointer does not   present   any   movement.
Bad capacitor (short )  , the pointer move forward  to 0 ohm side and keep position around 0 ohm.
Bad capacitor  ( leak ) , the pointer will move forward  to 0 ohm side  then  move  backward  to ∞ but  it does not reach  ∞  position. ( The pointer still  point at some resistance , not at  ∞  position  as  a  good capacitor ).

Test  multimeter    test Capacitor
                             Test  capacitor  with  Analog  multimeter  ,  220uF use  Rx100 range.

Read     more    of      testing .